Our students interacted with the famous psychologist and well known leading trainer of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programme) Dr.Visesh who is also the founder of Genius gym .
Highlights of his speech :
1. Have humor always to avoid fear. Fear and Humor never go together. If you maintain humour with you , you will never feel fear.
2. Our perceptions create our own world. Don't just believe every thing. Check ,experience then make opinion on any thing.
3.If you divide your life into four parts and take it as a four storied building , stage one is below 20 years of age can be considered as a foundation.
You should not compromise and make it as much strong as possible , so that the rest can be high and great. If you do not care it and ignore it, think about the consequences.
4.Never blame others for your failures. You are the master of your control, character, talent , abilities...You know more about yourself than others. Be aware of every thing you do.
5. Bullying , teasing , hurting others are bad signs of personality. If someone does such things, take them light and ignore. Ignoring somebody is the best punishment which make them tired of their repeated actions and one fine day they do think and change.
6. Our life is included in two main circles.
1. Circle of Concern : We spend our time on this circle and its not much useful to us. It's a wastage of time also. Certain things we cannot change come under this category. Ex. Watching cricket.
After watching the game we keep discussing on the match although we can not change the results of it.
2.Circle of Influence :
Our time spent on this area is influential. Useful some or the other way. Influencing and changing the result is possible. Ex.: Playing cricket. By playing rather than watching simply makes a big change. You will enjoy the game better than the earlier. Game makes you physically strong and psychologically confident. You can feel the competence and put all your efforts to win.
By knowing the above two you will try to categorize your priorities of time allotment. Before you involve in any discussion , just think of both the circles and be very wise in time management which is the key to success.
7. Stress : It is the gap between the expectations and abilities. If expectations are higher than the ability you need to think on two solutions .
1.either increase your efforts and improve your ability.
2. Or redesign your goals/ expectations as per your capacity/ability/possibility.
Most of the students they neither do 1 nor 2 and struggle in stress.
One technique to get relief from stress.
1. If the situation is under your control , control it no stress then.
2.If the situation is out of your control , just leave it. When you can't change it no meaning of worrying about it.
Google guide on.. What is NLP?
Suggestion to our parents : If you wish to send your ward for better tuning towards the goal , Providing NLP
1. Have humor always to avoid fear. Fear and Humor never go together. If you maintain humour with you , you will never feel fear.
2. Our perceptions create our own world. Don't just believe every thing. Check ,experience then make opinion on any thing.
3.If you divide your life into four parts and take it as a four storied building , stage one is below 20 years of age can be considered as a foundation.
You should not compromise and make it as much strong as possible , so that the rest can be high and great. If you do not care it and ignore it, think about the consequences.

5. Bullying , teasing , hurting others are bad signs of personality. If someone does such things, take them light and ignore. Ignoring somebody is the best punishment which make them tired of their repeated actions and one fine day they do think and change.
6. Our life is included in two main circles.
1. Circle of Concern : We spend our time on this circle and its not much useful to us. It's a wastage of time also. Certain things we cannot change come under this category. Ex. Watching cricket.

2.Circle of Influence :
Our time spent on this area is influential. Useful some or the other way. Influencing and changing the result is possible. Ex.: Playing cricket. By playing rather than watching simply makes a big change. You will enjoy the game better than the earlier. Game makes you physically strong and psychologically confident. You can feel the competence and put all your efforts to win.
By knowing the above two you will try to categorize your priorities of time allotment. Before you involve in any discussion , just think of both the circles and be very wise in time management which is the key to success.

1.either increase your efforts and improve your ability.
2. Or redesign your goals/ expectations as per your capacity/ability/possibility.
Most of the students they neither do 1 nor 2 and struggle in stress.
1. If the situation is under your control , control it no stress then.
2.If the situation is out of your control , just leave it. When you can't change it no meaning of worrying about it.
Google guide on.. What is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!
Let’s make this simpler with an example.
Have you ever tried to communicate with someone who didn’t speak your language, and they couldn’t understand you? The classic example of this is when someone goes out to a restaurant in a Foreign country and they think they ordered steak, but when the food shows up, it turns out they actually asked for liver stew.
This is the kind of relationship that most of us have with our own unconscious mind. We might think we are “ordering up” more money, a happy, healthy relationship, peace with our family members, and being able to stick to a healthy diet…but unless that’s what showing up, then something is probably getting lost in translation.
In NLP, we have a saying: the conscious mind is the goal setter, and the unconscious mind is the goal getter. Your unconscious mind is not out to get you–rather, it’s out TO GET FOR YOU whatever you want in life. However, if you don’t know how to communicate what you want properly, it will keep bringing steaming bowls of liver stew out of the kitchen.
In fact, go ahead right now and think of, if there was one thing you could change, one habit you could break, what would it be?
- Would you remain calm during work presentations?
- Quit procrastinating and spending so much time Facebook?
- Not devour a whole bag of potato chips or tub of ice cream in one sitting?
Whatever it is, realize that your unconscious mind only does that because it thinks that’s what you want. (“Sir, here is your procrastination along with a side of anxiety. I’ve also told the valet to bring up your emotional baggage as per your request. Will you be needing anything else?”)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is like a user’s manual for the brain, and taking an NLP training is like learning how to become fluent in the language of your mind so that the ever-so-helpful “server” that is your unconscious will finally understand what you actually want out of life.
NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others. It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients. NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that. It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results.
That is what NLP !
Thanks to Visesh sir for the great guidance and friendly interaction with our students. We wish to see you again in our school in future to motivate and influence our students.
training (short time programs are available in most of the big cities) is a good option.