Saturday 13 August 2016

School Time..... to ...... Home Time !


               Studies have shown that well-educated societies have lower rates of violence and crime, and societies that emphasize accessible, effective education see their economies improve as well. 

         As the world moves toward automation and demands more high-knowledge workers, education will be at the forefront of ensuring that the workforce is ready and able to tackle challenges that arise.
             The knowledge learned in school plays a major role in peoples' daily lives. Knowledge about history improves cultural understanding, and basic math skills help people keep their finances in order. English courses teach students how to read, comprehend and analyze written material, which is a crucial skill for nearly all modern jobs.
           School is also important for developing important social skills. Communication skills are important for succeeding in a wide range of fields, and spending time with others improves students' social skills. Humans are social animals, and schools provide a means of ensuring that young people have a stimulating environment that will lead to more empathy, understanding and social growth.

  Dear students,
      We are all privileged to be a part of  'Dr.KKR Gowtham International School' - A school which  guarantees a bright future, confident career and a happy life to you .
      Moving home on  a break for 15 days is little tough, missing friends and school is a bit painful. But It's  a good time see your beloved ones, spending with parents and grand parents, playing and learning for your future assignments is enjoyable.
      You all know that , our school is next to home and our students will never fall sick...No Home after.   Only Home Time ...!
 So, celebrate the holiday time .... Have a Happy Home Time ! 
                                                                    Come back with flying colors....!

                                                                                                     -  PRINCIPAL

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